Feeling uncomfortable because you've got a bloated belly that just won't go away is no fun. But, before we get into anything, note that getting a little puffed out from time to time is completely normal – and sometimes is just a sign that your gut is digesting your food. Annoying? Yes. A fact of being a human with a functioning body? Also yes.
It's only when you're dealing with a more persistent problem that you might want to take steps to alleviate the issue.
Why do I get a bloated belly, in the first place?
According to medical nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer, bloating can be caused by:
Eating more food in one go than you're used to
Eating too quickly
Eating rich foods that are high in fat
Functronal disorders of the gut – for example, the reduced production of stomach acid and enzymes, bile or pancreatic juices, which can occur during times of stress
Conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Know that your cycle may be at play, as well. 'Bloating may also increase around the time of your period,' she says.
A constant bloated stomach that doesn't calm down could be a warning sign of something more serious: head to your GP if you're concerned
What's the difference between stomach pain and bloating?
There's an important difference between a bloated stomach from overeating or trigger foods and one caused by larger medical concerns.
'A stomach ache is a term often used to refer to cramps or a dull ache in the tummy (abdomen). It's usually short-lived and is often not serious,' says the NHS.
'Severe abdominal pain is a greater cause for concern. If it starts suddenly and unexpectedly, it should be regarded as a medical emergency, especially if the pain is concentrated in a particular area.'
If you find yourself experiencing a bloated stomach regularly or it's accompanied by pain, you should always seek medical help to rule out anything more serious.
10 tips to ease a bloated belly
1. Eat more slowly
Reclaim your lunch break and reconnect with your dinner table. One of the most effective ways to beat the bloat is to eat more slowly and to chew properly, nutritional therapist Henrietta Norton of Wild Nutrition says.
Which means? No more hurried meals. Norton says eating too fast leads to more air being swallowed, which exacerbates bloating. Similarly, you might want to try spreading what you eat in a day out – perhaps having four slightly smaller meals, rather than three.
Plus, she says taking time out to eat properly is essential for effective digestion, which in turn is essential for avoiding a bloated stomach.
Damage already done and you find yourself desperately racking your brain for tips to get rid of wind? 'Try lying on your left-hand side to help excess wind roll up and out,' Dr Brewer suggests.
2. Reduce stress
Experiencing high levels of emotional stress? Nutritionist Jenna Hope says that stress can impact your gut bacteria, which in turn can cause you to bloat.
She says: 'We're starting to hear a lot more about the relationship between the gut and the brain. High levels of emotional stress can stimulate changes in the ENS (enteric nervous system) which plays a role in digestion and managing gut motility and can in turn cause bloating and excess gas in the gut.'
And leading Harley Street nutritionist and author Rhiannon Lambert agrees. She says: 'Stress can have a massive impact on bloating. Food you're normally ok with eating can work against you if your stomach isn't responding well to the stresses in your life—your stomachs are considered second brains.'
3. Drink water – not fizzy drinks
It makes perfect sense, right? Drinking gas equals gas. But when that ice-cold G&T tastes so good, we'd be wrong not to forgive you for giving out. The downside is your tummy won't.
Booze can also take a toll on your stomach. 'Alcohol promotes dysbiosis (leaky gut) and harmful bacterial overgrowth in the gut,' Nutritionist Amanda Hamilton of The Gut Plan Clinic says. 'While the sugar and artificial sweeteners in the tonic can alter your gut microbiota and increase pathogenic bacteria.'
4. Try some yoga
Try swapping HIIT workouts for lower-intensity alternatives. Here, nutritional therapist, yoga instructor and author of The De-Stress Effect, Charlotte Watts suggests three yoga poses to naturally aid digestion and ease bloating.
'Squatting positions encourage the muscular actions needed for bowel movements,' Watts says.
'While engaging lower abdominal muscles massage the colon. Stand feet hip-width apart and parallel, with arms hanging by your side. On an exhale, bend your knees as if sitting back onto a chair, allowing your upper body to hinge forward, whilst still feeling length between the breastbone and belly.
As you drop down, raise your arms forward to shoulder-height, keeping your shoulders soft. On an inhale, draw back up to standing through the belly, letting the arms drop down. Continue this movement with spacious breath, focusing on a long calming exhalation into the movement.'
'This aids digestion by creating compression in the organs that allows the flooding of fluids when released,' Watts says. 'This has both a massaging effect and hydrates body tissues.
All twists can help in this way, but the standing version shown allows the rotation to occur all the way up from the instep on the standing leg, thus freeing the lines of the connective tissue up through the inner legs to the digestive organs.'
'Inversions support digestion and reduce bloating by encouraging the natural slide-and-glide down of body fluids from the lower legs, by assisting lymphatic flow around the colon and whole abdomen, and by calming the nervous system,' Watts says.
'Viparita karani or legs-up-the-wall posture is particularly helpful here, especially when the hips are raised above the heart on a bolster or stack of blankets. Opening the legs into a wide-stride version also allows the pelvic floor to naturally soften and release tension up into the digestive organs.'
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5. Load up on prebiotics
You don't need us to tell you that if you regularly suffer from bloating, it could be due to an imbalance in your gut bacteria.
Help redress the situation by including more pre-biotic foods (eat a diverse range of plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruit, legumes, nut, and seeds every week, and you'll manage this, easy).
Hamilton also suggests swapping your usual snacks for a probiotic-rich alternative: 'Try a kefir drink or a side of sauerkraut,' she says.
6. Swerve the chewing gum
'This increase your risk of swallowing excess air and consequently gassiness,' Dr Brewer says.
7. Keep a food diary
If you're dealing with persistent bloating, it's a good idea to track what you're eating and when you experience symptoms, to try and discern if you have a specific food group that triggers it.
Lisa and Alana Macfarlane of The Gut Stuff say: 'Keep a record of everything you eat and drink – and your symptoms afterwards. This should help you identify what may be causing your bloating.' You can then take this to your GP and ask for advice.
8. Cook more
It's a long-standing debate – should you eat your fruits and vegetables raw or cooked, to maximise their nutritional content?
Well, when it comes to knowing how to get rid of bloating, cooked wins out. 'Some fruits and vegetables that are high in fibre can cause digestive discomfort,' Gough says. 'Cooking helps to break some of the fibre down, making it easier for your body to digest – and so causing less bloating.'
9. Stay hydrated
'You should be aiming to move your bowels every day – or at least every other day,' Hamilton says. 'Make sure you're drinking 1.5-2l of water a day and eating plenty of insoluble fibre.' Regular exercise will also help – see below for a suggested anti-bloat workout.
10. Eat probiotic foods
Gough says it's a good idea to eat probiotic foods, which may support your gut microbiome with nourishing bacteria. This includes foods and drinks such as miso, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut or kimchi.
Could I have a food intolerance?
'Genuine food intolerances are actually pretty rare,' says explains nutritionist Amanda Hamilton, co-author on The G Plan: The Revolutionary Diet For Gut-Friendly Weight Loss.
'You may be sensitive to certain foods, particularly if you eat them all the time – which, in the case of wheat, gluten and dairy, many people do – but it's unlikely you need to cut them out entirely.'
Think you have a food intolerance? Book an appointment with your GP, for tests
They're also notoriously hard to diagnose. While some, such as lactose intolerance, can be tested for, others, like gluten, can't. If your GP has ruled out coeliac disease, a number of things could be to blame, from non-coeliac gluten sensitivity to IBS or even an anxiety disorder.
To ease your symptoms, a dietitian may suggest following the low-FODMAP diet, which stands for (ready?) fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. Basically, the natural sugars, like fructose and lactose, found in a lot of high-fibre foods.
What if I have IBS?
'IBS affects around 12 million people in the UK,' says Dr Simon Smale, gastroenterologist and medical adviser to The IBS Network. 'People with IBS are often very sensitive to abdominal content, even with food or drink quantities or gas that might be considered normal.'
'Studies have shown that this sensation of abdominal fullness can cause them to contract (lower) the diaphragm and relax the abdomen, causing it to protrude. This may be greater if the abdominal content is increased by a meal or towards the end of the day when someone is tired.
'Bloating is more likely to occur in people who are anxious, as the emotional tension can make the intestine more sensitive.'
Dr Smale suggests the following advice:
Under the supervision of a dietitian, try a low FODMAP diet.
Relaxation, hypnotherapy and meditation can help to decrease the sensitivity and spasms of the bowel.
Antispasmodic drugs can reduce the spasms that cause gas to become trapped in the bowel. Simethicone is an inert polymer that is said to work by reducing the surface tension of small air bubbles, thereby allowing them to coalesce into larger bubbles that are more easily eliminated.
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